The Uniform Project

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May 1st marks the 5-year Anniversary for The Uniform Project-a project that documented wearing the same dress for an entire year while raising money for children to go to school in India. If you are not familiar, check out the website

I was that kid in Catholic School that loved wearing a uniform and I’ve been working on scaling down to a minimalist/edited assortment of clothes to help simplify my morning routine. Not only does this make life much simpler, but it ultimately means that less money is spent on clothes and more into my savings for the next trip.

I haven’t quite landed on a “uniform” per se, however I’m definitely down to 1/2 of my closet at this point. This also makes packing for trips much easier too, everything in my closet has been narrowed down to easily mix-and-match with each other, so packing my onecheckedbag is a breeze!

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